Sunday, January 15, 2012

Who wants a vineyard ?

Bonjour !

Yes, you will have to learn few French words if you want to own a vineyard in this beautiful country. Too expensive ? Hum... Maybe you would be attracted about the following content.

As a big sportwear brand told us :
As the President of the United States of America told us :

Yes, you can, you could, you SHOULD own a vineyard. Or a part of a vineyard. How ? Simple. Thanks to Yannick Evenou, managing director of Chateau La Dominique, Chateau Fayat and Chateau Clement-Pichon, in Bordeaux. He suggests you to be part of a new GFA (Group Foncier Agricol, a kind of investor's group) of 400 investors. Each investor can own a part of the property of Château Réaut (the new property of Evenou) for only 1500 € per share. And guess how you can buy this share ? ON FACEBOOK ! Really smart, and open !

The dividend are simple : every year, 36 personnalized bottles of the Château Réaut red wine. In fact, a share = some vines. Imagine that : for the rest of your life, you can have your name on a bottle of wine ! Wouldn't it be nice ?

More informations :



Anonymous said...

Nice to see on the table some wine with our name!

Chateau Réaut said...

Thanks for this nice post about Chateau Réaut. The subscription went fine and 427 wine-lovers became investors in this Bordeaux wine yard. The first general assembly will take place next may and they will get their first bottles of their own wine!
Best regards from Chateau Reaut