Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hot spiced wine

Whaaaaat dude? You have forgotten this opened bottle ??? Oh my Gosh !!! What a loss! Stupid boyfriend!”
No no no! It is not a loss, so don’t throw the wine away (And don’t hit your boyfriend!)! You can still use it. Yes, yes, you can!
In Europe this is very common, when Christmas is coming, when it is freezing cold, to make hot spiced wines: the famous “vin chaud”, as it is called in French. Yummy good tradition!

For 2 glasses of delicious hot spiced wine

1 orange
50 cl of red wine
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
Lemon and orange rinds
Sticks of cinnamon

Pour the red wine into a pan and add the brown sugar, the lemon and orange rinds and the cinnamon.
Heat the saucepan slowly, and boil everything for 5 minutes.
Cut the orange into slices. Put them directly in the saucepan.
Make sure the sugar is dissolved, and then strain everything through a sieve before serving it in glasses.

(You can also prepare your hot spiced wine with red berries, peach, or even with white wine)

Drink the “vin chaud” with chocolates delicaties or with cinnamon biscuit.

Cheers ;-) !




The Sediment Blog said...

That'll be what we call "mulled wine" in English, then...

Show Wine said...

You are true. We can call it mulled wine as well as hot spiced wine :)